Delayed Frederick & Samuel release delayed…
Apologies for the delays and canceled pre-orders, folks. The roast is still cooking.

The Kindle Oasis is here (to take all that $$$ you didn’t know what to do with)
Amazon has officially announced a brand new addition to their e-reader line – Kindle Oasis – and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. The Kindle Oasis usurps the Kindle Voyage‘s position as top dog among Amazon’s e-ink readers. When news of an imminent flagship leaked, I’d assumed it would replace the (beautiful) Voyage, which would be demoted to the $119 position of the Paperwhite – either being merged with the latter, or pushing it down to the base model spot of the regular, unlit Kindle. But no… Amazon has decided to introduce a new price point for…

Winter Update and News
It’s winter in Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. I know this because I saw someone on Facebook post a photograph depicting snow-covered patio furniture. Otherwise, I’m here in the Siemsen Sanctum, cut off from the outside world as I write, day and night, striving for just one more book release (I like to focus on highly attainable, short-term goals). I’ve popped my head out on the aforementioned online social media destination a few times in the past week to make some announcements, so as not to neglect this blog and those who follow it for updates, let’s get the place up-to-date… EXIGENCY…

The Matt Turner Series Hardcover Editions Now Available
Nearly four years since the original release of The Dig, I finally got around to getting you those hardcover editions you were asking for. And they smell real nice, too. They’ll be in stores in the near future, but you can grab them online from Amazon and B&N right now: The Dig – Amazon – B&N The Opal – Amazon – B&N Return – Amazon – B&N

Some random updates…
Let’s see, what’s going on around here? 1. The Matt Turner Series Boxed Set comes out (initially a Kindle exclusive) this Tuesday, Aug. 11. It’s priced insanely low for three full-length novels ($7.99 – cheaper than most individual titles from the Big 5 publishers). Sold separately, the Kindle Editions of the standalone books add up to $12: The Dig – $2.99 The Opal – $3.99 Return – $4.99 If you or a friend hasn’t started the series, this would obviously be the best way to go. 2. New covers for the Demon’s Story e-book editions. These won’t be carrying over…

RETURN, Book Three of the Matt Turner Series is finally here. Phew.
In 1988, the initial inspiration for The Dig (Book One of the Matt Turner Series) occurred. A “Tonight on the Ten O’clock News” teaser came on between commercials as my brother and I watched The A-Team or some such 80s show: “blah blah blah politics, blah blah blah celebrity, and scientists are puzzled about a piece of woven metal fabric discovered among dinosaur fossils. Stay tuned…” A couple years later, some time when I was in high school – between 1990-91 – the character Matt Turner was conceived, as well as the basic plot. Flash forward around 16-17 years, and the first…

The Dig (Matt Turner Book 1) on Sale for a mere $0.99 pennies.
It’s been two and a half years since the release of Matt Turner Series: Book 2, The Opal, and I know you all have been doing nothing but wait for Book 3. Lives were put on hold. Bills were ignored. Kids and animals had to feed themselves. Personal hygiene became unessential – nay, a burden. Well, it’s time we get you back in the saddle! RETURN (Book 3 of the Matt Turner Series) is less than two weeks away. You can even pre-order it for Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Kobo, Smashwords – whatever pops your corn, floats your boat, or chuggas…

A Demon’s Story Omnibus Audiobook Sample
My audiobook publishers and I have decided on a different approach to releasing the audio edition of The Many Lives of Samuel Beauchamp (a demon’s story). There will be no standalone version of it, but will instead be bundled with the existing audio edition of A Warm Place to Call Home. Because Frederick’s story (A Warm Place to Call Home) didn’t sell as well as expected on audio, despite being among the highest rated, best reviewed novels in its genre, we looked at potential strategies for releasing Samuel’s story (Book 2, the prequel). As it turns out, these books are relatively…