Delayed Frederick & Samuel release delayed…
Apologies for the delays and canceled pre-orders, folks. The roast is still cooking.

The Kindle Oasis is here (to take all that $$$ you didn’t know what to do with)
Amazon has officially announced a brand new addition to their e-reader line – Kindle Oasis – and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. The Kindle Oasis usurps the Kindle Voyage‘s position as top dog among Amazon’s e-ink readers. When news of an imminent flagship leaked, I’d assumed it would replace the (beautiful) Voyage, which would be demoted to the $119 position of the Paperwhite – either being merged with the latter, or pushing it down to the base model spot of the regular, unlit Kindle. But no… Amazon has decided to introduce a new price point for…

Winter Update and News
It’s winter in Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. I know this because I saw someone on Facebook post a photograph depicting snow-covered patio furniture. Otherwise, I’m here in the Siemsen Sanctum, cut off from the outside world as I write, day and night, striving for just one more book release (I like to focus on highly attainable, short-term goals). I’ve popped my head out on the aforementioned online social media destination a few times in the past week to make some announcements, so as not to neglect this blog and those who follow it for updates, let’s get the place up-to-date… EXIGENCY…