The Matt Turner Series Hardcover Editions Now Available
Nearly four years since the original release of The Dig, I finally got around to getting you those hardcover editions you were asking for. And they smell real nice, too. They’ll be in stores in the near future, but you can grab them online from Amazon and B&N right now: The Dig – Amazon – B&N The Opal – Amazon – B&N Return – Amazon – B&N

Some random updates…
Let’s see, what’s going on around here? 1. The Matt Turner Series Boxed Set comes out (initially a Kindle exclusive) this Tuesday, Aug. 11. It’s priced insanely low for three full-length novels ($7.99 – cheaper than most individual titles from the Big 5 publishers). Sold separately, the Kindle Editions of the standalone books add up to $12: The Dig – $2.99 The Opal – $3.99 Return – $4.99 If you or a friend hasn’t started the series, this would obviously be the best way to go. 2. New covers for the Demon’s Story e-book editions. These won’t be carrying over…

RETURN, Book Three of the Matt Turner Series is finally here. Phew.
In 1988, the initial inspiration for The Dig (Book One of the Matt Turner Series) occurred. A “Tonight on the Ten O’clock News” teaser came on between commercials as my brother and I watched The A-Team or some such 80s show: “blah blah blah politics, blah blah blah celebrity, and scientists are puzzled about a piece of woven metal fabric discovered among dinosaur fossils. Stay tuned…” A couple years later, some time when I was in high school – between 1990-91 – the character Matt Turner was conceived, as well as the basic plot. Flash forward around 16-17 years, and the first…

The Dig (Matt Turner Book 1) on Sale for a mere $0.99 pennies.
It’s been two and a half years since the release of Matt Turner Series: Book 2, The Opal, and I know you all have been doing nothing but wait for Book 3. Lives were put on hold. Bills were ignored. Kids and animals had to feed themselves. Personal hygiene became unessential – nay, a burden. Well, it’s time we get you back in the saddle! RETURN (Book 3 of the Matt Turner Series) is less than two weeks away. You can even pre-order it for Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Kobo, Smashwords – whatever pops your corn, floats your boat, or chuggas…

A Demon’s Story Omnibus Audiobook Sample
My audiobook publishers and I have decided on a different approach to releasing the audio edition of The Many Lives of Samuel Beauchamp (a demon’s story). There will be no standalone version of it, but will instead be bundled with the existing audio edition of A Warm Place to Call Home. Because Frederick’s story (A Warm Place to Call Home) didn’t sell as well as expected on audio, despite being among the highest rated, best reviewed novels in its genre, we looked at potential strategies for releasing Samuel’s story (Book 2, the prequel). As it turns out, these books are relatively…

Who Should be in an Exigency Movie?
When I first began writing The Dig (years and years before it actually came out in early 2011), my visions for the characters’, both physical and personality-wise, came from specific people I either knew personally, or from movies/TV. As some of you know, Matt Turner was originally a 19-year-old, and so Ethan Embry from Can’t Hardly Wait fit perfectly. Nowadays, even with Matt aged up to 25, this might not be the best casting decision. Tuni, originally 25, now 31 in The Dig, was my high school friend Paula Patton (who had yet to become famous). Flash forward more…

EXIGENCY Audiobook Announcement
A couple days ago, I mentioned some HOLY $H!T news I’d received about the upcoming Exigency Audiobook Edition, and now I can share it with you. First, a little back story … For those who haven’t read Exigency, or who may not have caught on to some of the book’s underlying themes, I wrote the story with an odd rule in mind: With regard to gender decisions, whatever my initial instinct chose, I would do the opposite. By and large, the Science Fiction publishing world has an ongoing problem with sexism—from the stories told, to the business itself, awards, and…

Return: Book 3 of the Matt Turner Series release date and pre-order links
Return arrives June 5, 2015 Pre-orders for all eBook types are live NOW After a few fits and starts, pushed release dates, impenetrable writer’s blocks, other books cutting in line, and general home and business busyness … hey! Business … Busyness … There’s got to be a connection there. Oh, sorry, I’m easily distracted. What was I saying? Right! RETURN: Book 3 of the Matt Turner Series has finally arrived. Well, preorders have arrived, and a firm release date has been set. As always, you can find all of the links to the e-tailer sites (Amazon, B&N, etc.) on my website,…

eBook Preorders for RETURN go live next week…finally!
Yes, that time has finally come. No, its not actually released just yet, but Return – Book 3 of the Matt Turner series will be pre-orderable next week (for Kindle, Nook!, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords). Once the Return preorder is live, the actual true, unchangeable, undelayable, unreschedulable, set-in-stone release date will be assigned and posted. Another announcement will be posted here and on various Michael Siemsen social media pages with links to the assorted e-tailers. Once again, I thank you all for your patience, and I hope the wait for Matt’s return will have been worth it.