Winter Update and News
It’s winter in Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. I know this because I saw someone on Facebook post a photograph depicting snow-covered patio furniture. Otherwise, I’m here in the Siemsen Sanctum, cut off from the outside world as I write, day and night, striving for just one more book release (I like to focus on highly attainable, short-term goals).
I’ve popped my head out on the aforementioned online social media destination a few times in the past week to make some announcements, so as not to neglect this blog and those who follow it for updates, let’s get the place up-to-date…
First, the long-overdue EXIGENCY Audiobook Edition has finally arrived today. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m ecstatic to have award-winning narrator Julia Whelan voicing Minnie and the team. Exigency is a fairly complex novel to read aloud (and have make sense to the average listener), and Julia’s performance is everything I hoped for, and more.
Handy Audiobook links for your clicking pleasure:
Buy on Audible Buy on iTunes/iBooks
And in case you prefer reading traditionally, as our ancestors did long before us, here are the links to Exigency’s eBook Editions (ok fine, and actual paper, too):
Buy for Kindle Buy for Nook Buy for iBooks Buy for Kobo Buy e-book from Smashwords Buy Hardcover (Amazon) Buy Paperback (Amazon) Buy Hardcover (B&N) Buy Paperback (B&N)
Next, we have two new releases coming in my Demon’s Story series: Frederick & Samuel (A Demons Story), the even-longer-awaited sequel to A Warm Place to Call Home (A Demon’s Story), as well as the not-as-long-awaited sequel to The Many Lives of Samuel Beauchamp, which happens to be the prequel to A Warm Place to Call Home (A Demon’s Story), but before all that, I’ve got a short pre-prequel story coming in just a couple weeks called A Memoir of an Encounter with the Malevolent Entity Known as Gregor the Demon by Dr. Freidrich Breiner, which is a prequel to all of the above.
It makes sense … somehow … Trust me.
For those only now embarking on their daimonic journeys – Though one can read the two existing titles in either order, I think you’ll get more out of reading them in the order they were released A Warm Place to Call Home [Frederick’s story] → The Many Lives of Samuel Beauchamp [Samuel’s story] → A Memoir of an Encounter… [Gregor prequel short] → Frederick & Samuel [continues from end of both existing novels].
A Memoir of an Encounter with the Malevolent Entity Known as Gregor the Demon by Dr. Friedrich Breiner comes out Friday, Feb 12, 2016.
Preorders for A Memoir of an Encounter with the Malevolent Entity Known as Gregor the Demon by Dr. Friedrich Breiner will be live soon.
When telling people about it, definitely say the whole title like above. Bonus points for saying it fully TWICE in conversation…
Them: “Hey, whatcha reading?”
You: “Oh this? It’s A Memoir of an Encounter with the Malevolent Entity Known as Gregor the Demon by Dr. Friedrich Breiner.”
Them: “Wow … um, what’s it about?”
You: “Well, A Memoir of an Encounter with the Malevolent Entity Known as Gregor the Demon by Dr. Friedrich Breiner is about this doctor who…”
Frederick & Samuel (A Demons Story) comes out Tuesday, May 10, 2016. Coincidentally (not coincidental), preorders will be live on Friday, Feb 12, 2016.
And here’s a visually stunning graphic of that reading order we were discussing earlier.
Finally, just before Frederick & Samuel‘s April release, we’ll see my entree into the storied halls of The Future Chronicles sci-fi anthology. My contribution, The Shepherd of the Brilliant Valley, will appear in the series’ first special edition, the Illustrated Robot, coming out March 25.
That’s all for now. For up-to-the-minute news, go to the Michael Siemsen Facebook Page, Like it, and then opt-in for notifications and seeing it in your news feed (otherwise you’ll likely see jack squat … thanks FB!)
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